Unlocking Insider Secrets on Being a Psychic Tarot Reader | Spiritual Debacle Podcast

Welcome to another intriguing episode of the Spiritual Debacle Podcast! In this riveting instalment, we dive deep into the world of psychic tarot reading with two seasoned professionals. Join us as we uncover the insider secrets, challenges, and wisdom that come with being a psychic tarot reader.


The mysterious world of psychic readings has always been a subject of fascination. People from all walks of life turn to tarot readers and psychics to seek guidance, insight, and answers to life's most profound questions. In this episode of Spiritual Debacle, we bring you an enlightening conversation between two experienced tarot readers. I have the pleasure of hosting 3rd Eyed Lion Cosmic Librarian, We are two experts who have dedicated their lives to mastering the art of psychic tarot reading.

Episode Highlights:

Finding Your Passion: Discover why genuine passion and love for tarot reading are the cornerstones of a successful psychic tarot practice. Learn how embracing your calling can transform your work into a fulfilling lifelong journey.

Adaptability in Divination: Explore the importance of diversifying your skills as a psychic tarot reader. We discuss the benefits of mastering traditional divination methods while adding your unique touch to create a well-rounded practice.

Crafting a Business Plan: Hear expert advice from Violetann and 3rd Eyed Lion Cosmic Librarian on creating a solid business plan tailored to your psychic tarot reading venture. Understand the importance of setting clear goals, pricing your services appropriately, and preparing for operational costs.

Effective Client Management: Gain insights into handling repetitive questions from clients with grace and empathy. Violetann and 3rd Eyed Lion Cosmic Librarian, share strategies for gently guiding clients to explore different aspects of their lives and avoid fixating on a single inquiry.

Adapting to New Avenues: The psychic tarot reading industry is constantly evolving. Learn about the various platforms and services available, including psychic hotlines, to expand your practice and reach a broader audience.

Ethics and Professionalism: Dive into the ethical considerations and professional standards that are crucial in the psychic tarot reading business. Discover how maintaining integrity and setting boundaries can build trust with your clients.

If you're curious about the world of psychic tarot readingor dream of becoming a professional in this mystical field, this episode of Spiritual Debacle Podcast is a must-listen. Unlock the insider secrets, gain valuable insights, and embark on a journey toward a fulfilling career as a psychic tarot reader. Join us for an enlightening conversation with violetann and 3rd Eyed Lion Cosmic Librarian, two seasoned experts, that just might inspire your own mystical journey.

Tune in to this episode on Violetann Tarot Youtube to explore more captivating episodes that dive deep into the spiritual and metaphysical realms. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your horizons and connect with the unseen forces that shape our lives.

Remember, the universe has a message for you—listen closely on the Spiritual Debacle Podcast!

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